Saturday, June 29, 2013

About Mission of Hope

Straight from Our Guidebook to Your Computer...

"The organization that will be hosting us is The Mission of Hope (MOH). It was founded by Bob and Sharon Johnson in Haiti, where they were able to acquire a piece of barren land just north of Port-au-Prince. Their vision was to build a mission complex that would effectively reach out and minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the less fortunate people in Haiti.

The Mission of Hope complex now sits on 76 acres of land and employs over 150 Haitians. Approximately 1,300 children are enrolled in the School of Hope, the Hope House Orphanage is home to almost 60 children, Hope Clinic sees hundreds of patients every week and over 600 adults, youth and children come from surrounding villages to attend the Church of Hope.

There are 55 schools involved in the nutrition program and every day over 11,000 children throughout Haiti receive a hot meal at school. There are also over 15 orphanages, well over 1,000 children, receiving 3 meals a day through the program."

This is what us newbie group members know about our temporary home for the next week, and I thought you should know as well. This is who we're with.

For more information, you can check out their official website:

-Katie Coming to You from Haiti (Almost Again)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have an amazing and touching time out there, free of complications but full of blessings. I cant wait to see what you guys do over there in Haiti.

    ~Michael Rende
