Saturday, June 29, 2013

And So It Begins

Saturday, June 29, 2013 3:30 am  
A mixture of excitement, nerves, and typical morning grogginess fills the air as cars empty and the group gathers at Kensington Church’s West Entrance. Discussions about what everyone had for their ‘last meal’ floats among the group, all dressed in matching red t-shirts.

After a solemn group prayer, asking for protection and for the ability to be the hands and feet of Jesus on our journey, we file back into the cars to head to the airport. Following the lines for the kiosks, baggage check-ins and security, we finally make it through, congregating in the lounge in front of Gate D28.

One three-hour-long flight later, we arrive in Miami at 9:30 am. And this is where it all begins. Currently, it is almost noon and our group is scattered around the Miami International Airport. Some are on the floor in the lounge in front of Gate D25, playing Skip-Bo. Others are reading magazines, some are watching the news, and one is typing up the first blog post while Dave, one of our groups’ leaders, bursts into song. Everyone is waiting to board the next plane and get back into the air at 2:20pm.

Today we’ve seen at least four other mission trip groups in the separate airports. God’s on the move in a big way today. We all hope that this movement continues through us during the next week. From June 29 to July 6 we will be staying at the Mission of Hope’s newest campus, complete with ceiling fans and an ocean-view. Since the plans for Vacation Bible Study with the children fell through, the schedule for the next week is pretty much a mystery. This is turning into one big adventure.

Prayers are requested and you will be able to follow along on our journey through this blog throughout the week. Assuming the Internet connection actually works, I will be posting every night with updates. We also have a Facebook page, under the name “MOH Haiti 2013.” Feel free to like the page and follow us there as well. Pictures are more updates are sure to come.

- Katie Coming to You from Haiti (Almost)

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